Italian Kings And Queens

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House of Savoy
  • County of Savoy
  • Duchy of Savoy
  • Sicily
  • Sardinia
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Albania
  • Croatia
  • Eritrea
  • Somalia
  • Libya
  • Ethiopia
  • Tientsin
  • Jerusalem
  • Cyprus
  • Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia
FounderUmberto I of Savoy
Current headDisputed:
Final rulerUmberto II of Italy
  • Count of Savoy
  • Duke of Savoy
  • King of Cyprus
  • King of Jerusalem
  • King of Armenia
  • King of Sicily
  • King of Sardinia
  • King of Italy
  • King of Spain
  • Emperor of Ethiopia
  • King of the Albanians
  • King of Croatia
Deposition12 June 1946: Umberto II left Italy as a result of the constitutional referendum
Cadet branches
  • Savoy-Genoa(extinct 1996)
  • Savoy-Villafranca(extinct 1888)
  • Savoy-Soissons (extinct 1734)
  • Savoy-Nemours (extinct 1659
  • Savoy-Racconigi (extinct 1605)
  • Savoy-Tende(extinct 1580)
  • Savoy-Acaia (extinct 1418)
  • Savoy-Vaud (extinct 1359)
  • Savoy-Achaea (extinct 1209)

As Seen On The King Of Queens! The Benfaremo family have been making Italian ices for over 60 years. Started by his father, Nicola, Peter Benfaremo, 'the King' made Italian ices into an art form. Spanish Kings and Queens Home » Namesakes In the 10th century all of Spain was under the control of the Islamic Caliphate of Cordoba, with the exception of the northern Kingdoms of Asturias and Navarre and the Spanish March.

Italian Royalty
House of Savoy
Victor Emmanuel II
Marie Clothilde, Princess Napoléon
Umberto I
Amadeo I of Spain
Prince Oddone, Duke of Montferrat
Maria Pia, Queen of Portugal and the Algarves
Prince Carlo Alberto, Duke of Chablais
Prince Vittorio Emanuele
Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Geneva
Prince Emanuele Filiberto, Duke of Aosta
Prince Vittorio Emanuele, Count of Turin
Prince Luigi Amedeo, Duke of the Abruzzi
Prince Umberto, Count of Salemi
Great Grandchildren
Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta
Prince Aimone, Duke of Aosta
Great Great Grandchildren
Princess Margherita, Dowager Archduchess of Austria-Este
Princess Maria Cristina
Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta
Great Great Great Grandchildren
Princess Bianca
Prince Aimone, Duke of Apulia
Princess Mafalda
Great Great Great Grandchildren
Prince Umberto
Prince Amedeo
Princess Isabella
Umberto I
Victor Emmanuel III
Victor Emmanuel III
Princess Yolanda, Countess of Bergolo
Princess Mafalda, Landgravine of Hesse
Umberto II
Giovanna, Tsaritsa of Bulgaria
Maria Francesca, Princess Luigi of Bourbon-Parma
Umberto II
Maria Pia, Princess Michel of Bourbon-Parma
Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples
Princess Maria Gabriella
Princess Maria Beatrice
Emanuele Filiberto, Prince of Venice
Great Grandchildren
Princess Vittoria
Princess Luisa

The House of Savoy (Italian: Casa Savoia) is a royal family that was established in 1003 in the historical Savoy region. Through gradual expansion, the family grew in power from ruling a small county in the Alps north-west of Italy to absolute rule of the kingdom of Sicily in 1713 to 1720 (exchanged for Sardinia). Through its junior branch, the House of Savoy-Carignano, it led the unification of Italy in 1861 and ruled the Kingdom of Italy from 1861 until 1946 and, briefly, the Kingdom of Spain in the 19th century. The Savoyard kings of Italy were Victor Emmanuel II, Umberto I, Victor Emmanuel III, and Umberto II. The last monarch ruled for a few weeks before being deposed following the Constitutional Referendum of 1946, after which the Italian Republic was proclaimed.[1]

  • 1History
  • 3List of rulers


The name derives from the historical region of Savoy in the Alpine region between what is now France and Italy. Over time, the House of Savoy expanded its territory and influence through judicious marriages and international diplomacy.[2] From rule of a small region on the French/Italian border, the dynasty's realm grew to include nearly all of the Italian Peninsula by the time of its deposition.

Early history[edit]

The house descended from Humbert I, Count of Sabaudia (Umberto I 'Biancamano'), (1003–1047 or 1048). Humbert's family is thought to have originated near Magdeburg in Saxony, with the earliest recording of the family being two 10th century brothers, Amadeus and Humbert.[3] Though Sabaudia was originally a poor county, later counts were diplomatically skilled, and gained control over strategic mountain passes in the Alps. Two of Humbert's sons were commendatory abbots at the Abbey of St. Maurice, Agaunum, on the River Rhone east of Lake Geneva, and Saint Maurice is still the patron of the House of Savoy.

Humbert's son, Otto of Savoy succeeded to the title in 1051 after the death of his elder brother Amadeus I of Savoy and married the Marchioness Adelaide of Turin, passing the Marquessate of Susa, with the towns of Turin and Pinerolo, into the House of Savoy's possession.[4] This diplomatic skill caused the great powers such as France, England, and Spain to take the counts' opinions into account.

They once had claims on the modern canton of Vaud, where they occupied the Château of Chillon in Switzerland, but their access to it was cut by Geneva during the Protestant Reformation, after which it was conquered by Bern. Piedmont was later joined with Sabaudia, and the name evolved into 'Savoy' (Italian: Savoia). The people of Savoy were descended from the Celts and Romans.

Hautecombe Abbey, where many of the dukes are buried.

Expansion, retreat and prosperity[edit]

By the time Amadeus VIII came to power in the late 14th century, the House of Savoy had gone through a series of gradual territorial expansions and he was elevated by the Holy Roman EmperorSigismund to the Duke of Savoy in 1416.[5]

Map of Italy in 1494.

In 1494, Charles VIII of France passed through Savoy on his way to Italy and Naples, which initiated the Italian War of 1494–98.[6] During the outbreak of the Italian war of 1521-1526, Emperor Charles V stationed imperial troops in Savoy.[7] In 1536, Francis I of France invaded Savoy and Piedmont taking Turin by April of that year.[8]Charles III, Duke of Savoy, fled to Vercelli.[8]

When Emmanuel Philibert came to power in 1553 most of his family's territories were in French hands, so he offered to serve France's leading enemy the House of Habsburg, in the hope of recovering his lands. He served Philip II as Governor of the Netherlands from 1555 to 1559.[9] In this capacity he led the Spanish invasion of northern France and won a victory at St. Quentin in 1557.[10] He took advantage of various squabbles in Europe to slowly regain territory from both the French and the Spanish, including the city of Turin. He moved the capital of the duchy from Chambéry to Turin.

The 17th century brought about economic development to the Turin area and the House of Savoy took part in and benefitted from that. Charles Emmanuel II developed the port of Nice and built a road through the Alps towards France. And through skillful political manoeuvres territorial expansion continued. In early 18th century in the War of the Spanish SuccessionVictor Amadeus switched sides to assist the Habsburgs and via the Treaty of Utrecht they rewarded him with large pieces of land in northeastern Italy, and a Crown in Sicily. Savoy rule over Sicily lasted only seven years (1713–20).

The Kingdom of Italy[edit]

Map of Italy in 1796.

The crown of Sicily, the prestige of being kings at last, and the wealth of Palermo helped strengthen the House of Savoy further. In 1720 they were forced to exchange Sicily for Sardinia as a result of the War of the Quadruple Alliance. On the mainland, the dynasty continued its expansionist policies as well. Through advantageous alliances during the War of the Polish Succession and War of the Austrian Succession, Charles Emmanuel III gained new lands at the expense of the Austrian-controlled Duchy of Milan. In 1792 Piedmont-Sardinia joined the First Coalition against the French First Republic, but was beaten in 1796 by Napoleon and forced to conclude the disadvantageous Treaty of Paris (1796), giving the French army free passage through Piedmont. In 1798, Joubert occupied Turin and forced Charles Emmanuel IV to abdicate and leave for the island of Sardinia. Eventually, in 1814 the kingdom was restored and enlarged with the addition of the former Republic of Genoa by the Congress of Vienna.

In the meantime, nationalist figures such as Giuseppe Mazzini were influencing popular opinion. Mazzini believed that Italian unification could only be achieved through a popular uprising, but after the failure of the 1848 revolutions, the Italian nationalists began to look to the Kingdom of Sardinia and its prime minister Count Cavour as leaders of the unification movement. In 1848, Charles Albert conceded a constitution known as the Statuto Albertino to Piedmont-Sardinia, which remained the basis of the Kingdom's legal system even after Italian unification was achieved and the Kingdom of Sardinia became the Kingdom of Italy in 1861.

The Kingdom of Italy was the first Italian state to include the Italian Peninsula since the fall of the Roman Empire. But when Victor Emmanuel was crowned King of Italy in 1861, his realm did not include the Venetia region (subject to Habsburg governance), Lazio (with Rome), Umbria, Marche and Romagna (with the Papal town of Bologna). Yet the House of Savoy continued to rule Italy for several decades, through the Italian Independence wars as Italian unification proceeded and even as the First World War raged on in the early 20th century.


Map of Italy in 1843.

In April 1655, based on (perhaps false) reports of resistance by the Waldensians, a Protestant religious minority, to a plan to resettle them in remote mountain valleys, Charles Emmanuel II ordered their general massacre. The massacre was so brutal it aroused indignation throughout Europe. Oliver Cromwell, then ruler in England, began petitioning on behalf of the Waldensians, writing letters, raising contributions, calling a general fast in England and threatening to send military forces to the rescue. The massacre prompted John Milton's famous sonnet, 'On the Late Massacre in Piedmont'.

In 1898 the Bava-Beccaris massacre in Milan involved the use of cannons against unarmed protesters (including women and old people) during riots over the rising price of bread. King Umberto I of the House of Savoy congratulated General Fiorenzo Bava-Beccaris for the massacre and decorated him with the medal of Great Official of Savoy Military Order, greatly outraging a large part of the public opinion. As a result, Umberto I was assassinated in July 1900 in Monza by Gaetano Bresci, the brother of one of the women massacred in the crowd, who traveled back to Italy from the United States for the assassination. The king had previously been the target of failed assassination attempts by anarchists Giovanni Passannante and Pietro Acciarito.

Fascism and end of monarchy[edit]

When the First World War ended, the Treaty of Versailles fell short of what had been promised in the London Pact to Italy. As the economic conditions in Italy worsened after the war, popular resentment and along with it the seeds of Italian fascism began to grow and resulted in the March on Rome by Benito Mussolini.

General Pietro Badoglio advised King Victor Emmanuel III that he could easily sweep Mussolini and his rag-tag Blackshirt army to one side, but Victor Emmanuel decided to tolerate Mussolini and appointed him as prime minister on 28 October 1922. The king remained silent as Mussolini engaged in one abuse of power after another from 1924 onward, and did not intervene in 1925-26 when Mussolini dropped all pretense of democracy. By the end of 1928, the king's right to remove Mussolini from office was, at least theoretically, the only check on his power. Later, the King's failure, in the face of mounting evidence, to move against the Mussolini regime's abuses of power led to much criticism and had dire future consequences for Italy and for the monarchy itself.

Italy conquered Ethiopia in 1936, and Victor Emmanuel was crowned as Emperor of Ethiopia. He added the Albanian crown as well in 1939. However, as Mussolini and the Axis powers failed in the Second World War in 1943, several members of the Italian court began putting out feelers to the Allies, who in turn let it be known that Mussolini had to go. After Mussolini received a vote of no confidence from the Fascist Grand Council on 24 July, Victor Emmanuel dismissed him from office, relinquished the Ethiopian and Albanian crowns, and appointed Pietro Badoglio as prime minister. On 8 September the new government announced it had signed an armistice with the Allies five days earlier. However, Victor Emmanuel made another blunder when he and his government fled south to Brindisi, leaving his army without orders.

As the Allies and the Resistance gradually chased the Nazis and Fascists off the peninsula, it became apparent that Victor Emmanuel was too tainted by his earlier support of Mussolini to have any postwar role. Accordingly, Victor Emmanuel transferred most of his powers to his son, Crown Prince Umberto, in April 1944. Rome was liberated two months later, and Victor Emmanuel transferred his remaining powers to Umberto and named him Lieutenant General of the Realm. Within a year, public opinion pushed for a referendum to decide between retaining the monarchy or becoming a republic. On 9 May 1946, in a last-ditch attempt to save the monarchy, Victor Emmanuel formally abdicated in favour of his son, who became Umberto II. It did not work; the Italian constitutional referendum, 1946 was won by republicans with 54% of the vote. Victor Emmanuel went into exile in Egypt, dying there a year later.

On 12 June 1946, the Kingdom of Italy formally came to an end as Umberto transferred his powers to Prime Minister Alcide de Gasperi and called for the Italian people to support the new republic. He then went into exile in Portugal, never to return; he died in 1983.

Under the Constitution of the Italian Republic, the republican form of government cannot be changed by constitutional amendment, thus forbidding any attempt to restore the monarchy short of adoption of an entirely new constitution. The constitution also forbade male descendants of the House of Savoy from entering Italy.[11] This provision was removed in 2002[12] but as part of the deal to be allowed back into Italy, Vittorio Emanuele, the last claimant to the House of Savoy, renounced all claims to the throne.[13]

House of Savoy today[edit]

The Residences of the Royal House of Savoy in Turin and the neighbourhood are protected as a World Heritage Site. Although the titles and distinctions of the Italian royal family are not legally recognised by the Italian Republic, the remaining members of the House of Savoy, like dynasties of other abolished monarchies, still use some of the various titles they acquired over the millennium of their reign prior to the republic's establishment, including Duke of Savoy, 'Prince of Naples' previously conferred by Joseph Bonaparte to be hereditary on his children and grandchildren, Prince of Piedmont and Duke of Aosta.

Kings And Queens Of Italy

Currently the leadership of the House of Savoy is contested by two cousins: Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples, who used to claim the title of King of Italy, and Prince Amedeo, Duke of Aosta, who still claims the title of Duke of Savoy. Their rivalry has not always been peaceful — on 21 May 2004, following a dinner held by King Juan Carlos I of Spain on the eve of the wedding of his son Felipe, Prince of Asturias, Vittorio Emanuele punched Amedeo twice in the face.[14]

Some of the activities of members of the House of Savoy have evoked media coverage disappointing to Italian royalists.[15] In November 1991, after thirteen years of legal proceedings, the ParisAssize Courtacquitted Vittorio Emanuele of the fatal wounding and unintentional homicide in August 1978 of Dirk Hamer, finding him guilty only of unauthorised possession of a firearm during the incident.[16] On 16 June 2006 Vittorio Emanuele was arrested in Varenna and imprisoned in Potenza on charges of corruption and recruitment of prostitutes for clients of the Casinò di Campione of Campione d'Italia.[17][18][19] After several days, Vittorio Emanuele was released and placed under house arrest instead.[20] He was released from house arrest on 20 July but was required to remain within the territory of the Republic.

When incarcerated in June 2006, Vittorio Emanuele was recorded admitting with regard to the killing of Dirk Hamer that 'I was in the wrong, [..] but I must say I fooled them [the French judges]',[21] leading to a call from Hamer's sister Birgit for Vittorio Emanuele to be retried in Italy for the killing.[22] After a long legal fight, Birgit Hamer obtained the full video.[23][24] The story was broken in the press by aristocratic journalist Beatrice Borromeo,[25] who also wrote the preface for a book on the murder Delitto senza castigo by Birgit Hamer. Vittorio Emanuele sued the newspaper for defamation, claiming the video had been manipulated. In 2015, a court judgement ruled in favor of the newspaper.[26]

In 2007, lawyers representing Vittorio Emanuele and his son Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy wrote to Italian President Giorgio Napolitano seeking damages for their years in exile.[27] During a television interview, Emanuele Filiberto also requested that Roman landmarks such as the Quirinale palace and Villa Ada should be returned to the Savoy family.[citation needed] The Italian prime minister’s office has released a statement stating that the Savoys are not owed any damages and suggesting that Italy may demand damages from the Savoys for their collusion with Benito Mussolini.[citation needed] The Italian constitution contains a clause stripping the Savoys of their wealth on exile. Emanuele Filiberto acknowledged that his fiancée, whose pregnancy was revealed at the time of the couple's engagement, belonged to a more leftist milieu than his own, a fact which initially displeased his father.[28]

Judicially separated since 1976, civilly divorced in 1982 and their marriage religiously annulled in 1987, Amedeo of Aosta's first wife, Princess Claude d'Orléans, revealed that she was aware that her husband fathered a child by another woman during their marriage.[29] Aosta acknowledged paternity of another child, born out-of-wedlock in 2006 during his second marriage, but agreed to contribute financially to the child's care only after being directed to do so by court order.[30]

The patrilineal lineage of the House of Savoy was reduced to four males between 1996 and 2009. In 2008 Aimone of Savoy-Aosta married Princess Olga of Greece, his second cousin, and they became the parents of sons Umberto and Amedeo born, respectively, in 2009 and 2011.


Orders of knighthood[edit]

The House of Savoy has held two dynastic orders since 1362[31] which were brought into the Kingdom of Italy as national orders. Although the Kingdom ceased to exist in 1946, King Umberto II did not abdicate his role as fons honorum over the two dynastic orders over which the family has long held sovereignty and grand mastership. Today, Vittorio Emanuele, Prince of Naples is hereditary Sovereign and Grand Master of the following orders of the House of Savoy:

  • Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation (founded in 1362)[31]
  • Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus (founded in 1572)[32]

In addition to these, Vittorio Emanuele claims sovereignty over two more orders:

  • Civil Order of Savoy (founded in 1831)[33]
  • Order of the Crown of Italy (founded in 1868 and no longer bestowed;[34] replaced by the Order of Merit of Savoy in 1988)

Recently, all three of Vittorio Emanuele's sisters (Princess Maria Pia, Princess Maria Gabriella, and Princess Maria Beatrice) resigned from the Supreme Order of the Most Holy Annunciation and the Order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus, alleging that memberships in the orders had been sold to unworthy candidates, a newfound practice they could not abide.[35]

List of rulers[edit]

Monarchs Of Italy

Counts of Savoy[edit]

Rulers of italy timeline
  • Humbert I 'Biancamano' ('White hand'), Count 1003–1047/1048 (c. 972/975–1047/48)
    • Amadeus I, Count 1048–1051 (d. c. 1052)
    • Otto, Count 1051–1060 (c. 1020–1060)
      • Peter I, Count 1060–1078 (1048/49–1078)
      • Amadeus II, Count 1060–1080 (c. 1046–1080)
        • Humbert II, Count 1080–1103 (c. 1072–1103)
          • Amadeus III, Count 1103–1148 (c. 1095–1148)
            • Humbert III, Count 1148–1189 (1136–1189)
              • Thomas I, Count 1189–1233 (1178–1233)
                • Amadeus IV, Count 1233–1253 (1197–1253)
                  • Boniface, Count 1253–1263 (1244-1263)
                • Peter II, Count 1263–1268 (1203–1268)
                • Philip I, Count 1268–1285 (1207–1285)
                • Thomas II, regent 1253–1259 (1199-1259)
                  • Amadeus V, Count 1285–1323 (1249–1323)
                    • Edward I, Count 1323–1329 (1284–1329)
                    • Aimone, Count 1329–1343 (1291–1343)
                      • Amadeus VI, Count 1343–1383 (1334–1383)
                        • Amadeus VII, Count 1383–1391 (1360–1391)
                          • Amadeus VIII, Count 1391–1416 (1383–1451)

Dukes of Savoy [36][edit]

  • Amadeus VIII, Duke of Savoy 1416–1434, Antipope Felix V 1439-1449 (1383–1451), abdicated (from both)
    • Louis I, Duke of Savoy 1434–1465 (1413–1465)
      • Amadeus IX, Duke of Savoy 1465–1472 (1435–1472)
        • Philibert I, Duke of Savoy 1472–1482 (1465–1482)
        • Charles I, Duke of Savoy 1482–1490 (1468–1490)
          • Charles (II) John Amadeus, Duke of Savoy 1490–1496 (1490–1496)
      • Philip II, Duke of Savoy 1496–1497 (1438–1497)
        • Philibert II, Duke of Savoy 1497–1504 (1480–1504)
        • Charles III, Duke of Savoy 1504–1553 (1486–1553)
          • Emmanuel Philibert, Duke of Savoy 1553–1580 (1528–1580)
            • Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy 1580–1630 (1562–1630)
              • Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy 1630–1637 (1587–1637)
                • Francis Hyacinth, Duke of Savoy 1637–1638 (1632–1638)
                • Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy 1638–1675 (1634–1675)
                  • Victor Amadeus II, Duke of Savoy 1675–1730, later King of Sicily then Sardinia (see below) (1666–1732), abdicated
              • Thomas Francis, 1st Prince of Carignano 1620–1656 (1596–1656), ancestor of all remaining dynasts

Kings of Sicily[edit]

  • Victor Amadeus II, King of Sicily 1713–1720 (1666–1732)

Kings of Sardinia [37][38][edit]

  • Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy 1580–1630 (1562–1630)
    • Victor Amadeus I, Duke of Savoy 1630–1637 (1587–1637)
      • Charles Emmanuel II, Duke of Savoy 1638–1675 (1634–1675)
        • Victor Amadeus II, King of Sardinia 1720–1730 (1666–1732), abdicated
          • Charles Emmanuel III, King of Sardinia 1730–1773 (1701–1773)
            • Victor Amadeus III, King of Sardinia 1773–1796 (1726-1796)
              • Charles Emmanuel IV, King of Sardinia 1796–1802 (1751–1819), abdicated
              • Victor Emmanuel I, King of Sardinia 1802–1821 (1759–1824), abdicated
              • Charles Felix, King of Sardinia 1821–1831 (1765–1831)
    • Thomas Francis, 1st Prince of Carignano 1620–1656 (1596–1656)
      • Emmanuel Philibert, 2nd Prince of Carignano 1656–1709 (1628–1709)
        • Victor Amadeus I, 3rd Prince of Carignano 1709–1741 (1690–1741)
          • Louis Victor, 4th Prince of Carignano 1741–1778 (1721–1778)
            • Victor Amadeus II, 5th Prince of Carignano 1778–1780 (1743–1780)
              • Charles Emmanuel, 6th Prince of Carignano 1780–1800 (1770–1800)
                • Charles Albert, 7th Prince of Carignano 1800–1831, King of Sardinia 1831–1849 (1798–1849), abdicated
                  • Victor Emmanuel II, King of Sardinia 1849–1861 (1820–1878)

Kings of Italy [39][edit]

  • Victor Emmanuel II, King of Italy 1861–1878 (1820–1878)
    • Umberto I, King of Italy 1878–1900 (1844–1900)
      • Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy 1900–1946 (1869–1947), abdicated
        • Umberto II, King of Italy 1946 (1904–1983), deposed

Emperors of Ethiopia[edit]

  • Victor Emmanuel III, Emperor of Ethiopia 1936–1941 (1869–1947)

Kings of Albania[edit]

  • Victor Emmanuel III, King of Albania 1939–1943 (1869–1947)

Kings of Spain[edit]

  • Amadeo I, King of Spain 1870–1873 (1845–1890)

World War II Croatia[edit]

In 1941, in the fascist puppet state Independent State of Croatia, Prince Aimone, Duke of Aosta, grandson of Amadeo I of Spain, was formally named as the king under the name 'Tomislav II', but was never crowned, never ruled, and formally abdicated in 1943.

Cyprus, Jerusalem and Armenia[edit]

In 1396, the title and privileges of the final king of the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia, Levon V, were transferred to James I, his cousin and king of Cyprus. The title of King of Armenia was thus united with the titles of King of Cyprus and King of Jerusalem.[40] The title was held to the modern day by the House of Savoy.[citation needed]

Italian Kings And Queens

Titles of the Crown of Sardinia[edit]

Map of Kingdom of Sardinia.

VITTORIO AMEDEO III, per la grazia di Dio Re di Sardegna, Cipro, Gerusalemme e Armenia; Duca di Savoia, Monferrato, Chablais, Aosta e Genevese; Principe di Piemonte ed Oneglia; Marchese in Italia, di Saluzzo, Susa, Ivrea, Ceva, Maro, Oristano, Sezana; Conte di Moriana, Nizza, Tenda, Asti, Alessandria, Goceano; Barone di Vaud e di Faucigny; Signore di Vercelli, Pinerolo, Tarantasia, Lumellino, Val di Sesia; Principe e Vicario perpetuo del Sacro Romano Impero in Italia.

The English translation is: Victor Amadeus III, by the Grace of God, King of Sardinia, Cyprus, Jerusalem, Armenia, Duke of Savoy, Montferrat, Chablais, Aosta and Genevois, Prince of Piedmont and Oneglia, Marquis (of the Holy Roman Empire) in Italy, of Saluzzo, Susa, Ivrea, Ceva, Maro, Oristano, Sezana, Count of Maurienne, Nice, Tende, Asti, Alessandria, Goceano, Baron of Vaud and Faucigny, Lord of Vercelli, Pinerolo, Tarentaise, Lumellino, Val di Sesia, Prince and perpetual Vicar of the Holy Roman Empire in Italy. Photoshop video maker free download.

Titles of the Crown of Italy[edit]

Victor Emmanuel II, by the Grace of God and the Will of the Nation, King of Italy, King of Sardinia, Cyprus, Jerusalem, Armenia, Duke of Savoy, Count of Maurienne, Marquis (of the Holy Roman Empire) in Italy; Prince of Piedmont, Carignano, Oneglia, Poirino, Trino; Prince and Perpetual vicar of the Holy Roman Empire; Prince of Carmagnola, Montmellian with Arbin and Francin, Prince bailiff of the Duchy of Aosta, Prince of Chieri, Dronero, Crescentino, Riva di Chieri e Banna, Busca, Bene, Brà, Duke of Genoa, Monferrat, Aosta, Duke of Chablais, Genevois, Duke of Piacenza, Marquis of Saluzzo (Saluces), Ivrea, Susa, del Maro, Oristano, Cesana, Savona, Tarantasia, Borgomanero e Cureggio, Caselle, Rivoli, Pianezza, Govone, Salussola, Racconigi con Tegerone, Migliabruna e Motturone, Cavallermaggiore, Marene, Modane e Lanslebourg, Livorno Ferraris, SanthiàAgliè, Centallo e Demonte, Desana, Ghemme, Vigone, Count of Barge, Villafranca, Ginevra, Nizza, Tenda, Romont, Asti, Alessandria, del Goceano, Novara, Tortona, Bobbio, Soissons, Sant'Antioco, Pollenzo, Roccabruna, Tricerro, Bairo, Ozegna, delle Apertole, Baron of Vaud e del Faucigni, Lord of Vercelli, Pinerolo, della Lomellina, della Valle Sesia, del marchesato di Ceva, Overlord of Monaco, Roccabruna and 11/12th of Menton, Noble patrician of Venice, patrician of Ferrara.

These titles were used during the unified Kingdom of Italy which lasted from 1860–1946.[41]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Ginsborg, Paul. A History of Contemporary Italy: Society and Politics, 1943–1988, pg 98
  2. ^The kingdom of Burgundy, the land of the house of Savoy and adjacent territories, Eugene Cox, The New Cambridge Medieval History: Volume 5, C.1198-c.1300, ed. Rosamond McKitterick, David Abulafia, (Cambridge University Press, 1999), 365-366.
  3. ^Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). 'Savoy' . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  4. ^Herbermann, Charles, ed. (1913). 'Piedmont' . Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.
  5. ^Introduction:The Sabaudian Lands and Sabaudian Studies, Matthew Vester, Sabaudian Studies: Political Culture, Dynasty, and Territory (1400–1700), ed. Matthew Vester, (Truman State University Press, 2013), 1.
  6. ^Sabaudian Studies, Matthew Vester, Sabaudian Studies: Political Culture, Dynasty, and Territory (1400–1700), (Truman State University Press, 2013), 6.
  7. ^Michael Mallett and Christine Shaw, The Italian Wars, 1494-1559, (Pearson Educational Limited, 2012), 154.
  8. ^ abMichael Mallett and Christine Shaw, The Italian Wars, 1494-1559, 230-231.
  9. ^Henry Kamen, Philip of Spain, (Yale University Press, 1997), 64.
  10. ^Henry Kamen, Philip of Spain, 67.
  11. ^“In order to prevail the thirteenth final provision of the Italian Constitution ( .. ) international law provides for the special instrument of ' reserves ' duly stamped by the Italian State at the time of its instrument of ratification deposit of the fourth Protocol” ECHR: Buonomo, Giampiero (2000). 'Né l'Unione europea, né i diritti dell'uomo possono aprire le frontiere a Casa Savoia'. Diritto&Giustizia edizione online. – via Questia(subscription required)
  12. ^By Constitutional Amendment, after some attempts to do so in another way: see (in Italian)Né l'Unione europea, né i diritti dell'uomo possono aprire le frontiere a Casa Savoia, in Diritto&Giustizia edizione online, 2001, anno II, n. 36.
  13. ^Guardian Newspaper,2763,1227375,00.html
  14. ^Hooper, John (28 May 2004). 'Right royal punch-up at Spanish prince's wedding' – via The Guardian.
  15. ^McIntosh, David (December 2005). 'The Sad Demise of the House of Savoy'. European Royal History Journal. Eurohistory. 8.6 (XLVIII): 3–6.
  16. ^Summary of trial proceedings concerned the killing of Dirk Hamer.
  17. ^'Arrestato Vittorio Emanuele di Savoia - Corriere della Sera'.
  18. ^'Arrested Italy prince goes from palace to jail'. 17 June 2006.
  19. ^'THE PRINCE AND THE PROSTITUTES Independent, The (London) - Find Articles'. 24 January 2007. Archived from the original on 24 January 2007. Retrieved 12 July 2018.
  20. ^'century 21 new york nyc at'. 28 May 2009. Archived from the original on 28 May 2009. Retrieved 12 July 2018.
  21. ^(in Italian)Vittorio Emanuele, cimici in cella 'Ho fregato i giudici francesi'
  22. ^Prince's braggadocio spurs call for justice. 12 September 2006
  23. ^Prince Victor Emmanuel of Savoy 'admits killing of German teenager on secret video recording five years ago', Daily Mail, 28 February 2011;
  24. ^Follain, John Prince admits killing on video, The Sunday Times, 27 February 2011;
  25. ^Borromeo, Beatrice Il video che incastra Savoia, Il Fatto Quotidiano, 24 February 2011;
  26. ^Beatrice Borromeo, el azote de los Saboya, Hola, 10 March 2015;
  27. ^Savoy claim
  28. ^'BBC NEWS - Europe - Italian 'prince' weds actress'.
  29. ^Anales De La Real Academia Matritense De Heráldica y Genealogía VI (2000–2001), Vol. VI, p. 230, footnote 116.
  30. ^Amedeo padre di Ginevra. Lo dice il Dna. (18 February 2015). Retrieved 2015-08-17.
  31. ^ ab'Ordine Supremo della Santissima Annunciata'. Ordini Dinastici della Real Casa Savoia.
  32. ^'Ordine Militare e Religioso dei SS. Maurizio e Lazzaro'. Ordini Dinastici della Real Casa Savoia. Archived from the original on 2015-03-09.
  33. ^'Ordine Civile di Savoia'. Ordini Dinastici della Real Casa Savoia. Archived from the original on 2015-10-29. Retrieved 2015-11-23.
  34. ^'Ordine della Corona d'Italia'. Ordini Dinastici della Real Casa Savoia. Archived from the original on 2015-10-29. Retrieved 2015-11-23.
  35. ^Hooper, John (23 June 2006). 'The fall of the house of Savoy' – via The Guardian.
  36. ^'Savoy 3'.
  37. ^'Savoy 4'.
  38. ^'Savoy 5'.
  39. ^'Savoy 6'.
  40. ^Hadjilyra, Alexander-Michael (2009). The Armenians of Cyprus. New York: Kalaydjian Foundation. p. 12.
  41. ^Velde, Francois R. 'Royal Styles'.

Further reading[edit]

  • Francesco Cognasso: I Savoia nella politica europea. Milano, 1941 (Storia e politica).
  • Robert Katz: The Fall of the House of Savoy. A Study in the Relevance of the Commonplace or the Vulgarity of History, London 1972.
  • Eugene L. Cox: The Eagles of Savoy. The House of Savoy in thirteenth-century Europe. Princeton, N.J., 1974.
  • Denis Mack Smith: Italy and its Monarchy, New Haven, 1992.
  • Toby Osborne: Dynasty and Diplomacy in the Court of Savoy. Political Culture and the Thirty Years' War (Cambridge Studies in Italian History and Culture), Cambridge 2002.
  • Paolo Cozzo: La geografia celeste dei duchi di Savoia. Religione, devozioni e sacralità in uno Stato di età moderna (secoli XVI-XVII), Bologna, il Mulino, 2006, 370 pp.
  • Enrico Castelnuovo (a cura di): La Reggia di Venaria e i Savoia. Arte, magnificenza e storia di una corte europea. Vol. 1–2. Turin, Umberto Allemandi & C., 2007, 364 + 309 pp.
  • Walter Barberis (a cura di): I Savoia. I secoli d'oro di una dinastia europea. Torino, Giulio Einaudi Editore, 2007, 248 pp.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to
House of Savoy
  • Ordini Dinastici della Real Casa Savoia (in Italian)
Retrieved from ''

Kings And Queens Lead Singer

Once the centre of the mighty Holy Roman Empire, contemporary Austria is now a federal republic, with no monarch. The last Emperor was Franz Josef, who was initially crowned Emperor of Austria in 1848 at the age of 18. In 1867 Franz Josef was also crowned King of Hungary in an attempt to calm the situation with the problematic Magyars. This worked and the Dual Monarchy lasted until his death in 1916. But the Empire was eventually disbanded after Austria's defeat in the second world war.

Belgium is a hereditary constitutional monarchy. King Albert II, bears the title King of the Belgians and acceded to the throne in 1993 after the death of his brother, King Baudouin. Belgium is a parliamentary democracy based around a federal model. According to the constitution, the King reigns but does not govern. The King has immunity from prosecution and his ministers take responsibility for all his actions.

Political clout: Officially the King of the Belgians possesses the powers formally assigned to him by the constitution (ie to oversee the federal government), but these powers are rarely exercised except when a government resigns. However, King Albert has been known to take a more partisan role in public life than his British counterparts. In October 1996 he lambasted Belgium's civic institutions for failing to protect the country's children in the wake of a paedophile scandal. A year later he criticised Renault for shutting down a car plant (an act that had already been condoned by the Belgian and French prime ministers and the European Commission president, Jean-Luc Dehaene). The previous king, Albert's brother Baudouin, abdicated in 1990 rather than contravene his Catholic principles by signing an act legalising abortion. Belgium was kingless for only 44 hours, until parliament voted King Baudouin back in. Read King Albert's official CV

Denmark is a constitutional monarchy. The current monarch is Queen Margrethe II, second cousin to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. Her powers are largely ceremonial: her most significant duty is to appoint the prime minister and the cabinet.

Political clout: Queen Margrethe enjoys one of the lowest profiles and some of the most loyal subjects of all the European monarchs. She never intervenes directly in political matters but meets her ministers once a week and has been known to undertake the odd moral crusade.

Official site
Read Queen Margrethe's official CV

Unofficial site
The Queen and her family

Finland has been an independent republic since its formation in 1919, so has never had had its own monarch (unlike its previous rulers, Sweden and Russia).

The last Bourbon King was Louis-Philippe (1793-1850) who abdicated in 1848 and escaped to Surrey, where he died. He was replaced, after an interim government, by Napoleon III (1808-1873) who crowned himself Emperor in 1852. Napoleon III was deposed after a losing a war with Prussia at the Battle of Sedan (1870). Since then France has been a republic. Like Louis-Philippe, Napoleon III died in exile in England.

Modern Germany has never had a King or Queen, but it did have a series of emperors, starting with William I of Prussia. William managed to form a coalition of German states, which defeated Austria during the Seven Weeks War of 1866. Before that Austria was the dominant Germanic power. William was then able to unite the German state and create an empire. This lasted until the end of the first world war.

Greece abolished its monarchy 1923 and restored it in 1935. The country was ruled by Nazi Germany from 1941 to 1944; civil war broke out after the end of the second world war and lasted until 1949. After a coup in 1967 a military junta ruled for seven years, deposing King Constantine II. In 1974 democracy was restored under President Konstantinos Karamanlis, and a referendum the same year put an end to the Greek monarchy. Since then, democratically elected civilian governments have succeeded one another.

After the unification of the country in 1870 Italy had a constitutional monarchy until 1946. The last King was Victor Emmanuel III (1869-1947) who ordered the arrest of Mussolini after Italy's disastrous role in the second world war. The move neither took Italy out of the war nor solved the ensuing constitutional crisis. Victor Emmanuel tried to introduce his son, Crown Prince Umberto, as lieutenant-general of the realm and relinquished all his own power, retaining only his title of king. This failed to appease the population and despite the King's subsequent abdication, Italy became a republic in 1946. Victor Emmanuel and Umberto fled into exile.

The Grand Duchy is a constitutional monarchy with hereditary succession. Executive authority lies with the Grand Duke, His Royal Highness Grand Duke Jean (Benoit Guillaume Marie Robert Louis Antoine Adolphe Marc) d'Aviano, who appoints the prime minister. However, the Grand Duke's powers are primarily formal.

Political clout: Although the letter of the law dictates that the Grand Duke is free to appoint ministers of his choice, precedent dictates that he limit his choice to that of democratic principle.

The Netherlands is a parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarch, Queen Beatrix.

Political clout: Queen Beatrix, the original 'bicycling monarch', is an accomplished linguist, holds a university degree in politics and international relations and is considered an industrious and knowledgeable head of state. She is widely perceived to have an informal and caring manner and remains somewhat aloof from the Dutch political scene. 'Beatrix acts as a sort of binding element in Dutch society, a stable supervisory power above the political parties,' said Fred Lammers, author of Queen Beatrix's biography. In April 1996, however, the Queen surprised her adoring public when she strongly opposed the legalisation of gay weddings.

The last High King of Ireland was Rory O'Connor, King of Connaught. King Rory failed to defeat the Anglo-Norman invasion of Ireland led by Henry II of England. King Rory accepted Henry as his overlord at the treaty of Windsor (1175) and restyled himself King of Connaught, which gave him some power (mainly the collection of taxes) over the other Irish Kings. Rory encountered opposition to this situation, even in his own province, and was ultimately forced to abdicate.

A revolution overthrew the monarchy in 1910 and King Manuel fled into exile. The fledgling republic's early years were marred by 45 changes of government and military uprisings in its first 16 years. Antonio de Oliveria Salazar became prime minister in 1932 and ran Portugal as a police state until 1968. Today, Portugal is a republic with a parliamentary form of government.

Spain is a parliamentary monarchy. The death of General Franco in 1975 and the accession as King of Juan Carlos (grandson of Spain's last ruling monarch, Alfonso XIII) opened a new era: the peaceful transition to democracy. King Juan Carlos helped defeat a military coup in 1981.

Political clout: Although he played an active role in Spain's democratisation, King Juan Carlos has interfered very rarely with the running of the country since the restoration of the monarchy. He has devolved more and more power away from the monarchy and now occupies a strictly symbolic role.

King Carl XVI Gustav is Sweden's constitutional monarch.

Political clout: Very little. The King's duties are almost entirely of a ceremonial nature; receiving foreign dignitaries, opening the Riksdag (parliament) and chairing special councils. All of which the Swedish government gets for the relatively knockdown price of £2 million per year.