Serious Sam 3 Bfe Secrets

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Serious Sam 3 Bfe Secrets

WARNING! Are you sure this is the path you wish to take? WARNING!
Table of contents
Section [INTRO]: Introduction - Various thoughts
Section [CHLOG]: Change Log
Section [CRDTS]: Credits
Section [SSBFE]: Secrets
[BFE01] - Level 01 - Summer in Cairo
[BFE02] - Level 02 - Into the Spider's Nest
[BFE03] - Level 03 - Broken Wings
[BFE04] - Level 04 - No Place to Hide
[BFE05] - Level 05 - Under the Iron Cloud
[BFE06] - Level 06 - The Silent Riddler
[BFE07] - Level 07 - Unearthing the Sun
[BFE08] - Level 08 - The Dark Bride
[BFE09] - Level 09 - Power to the Underworld
[BFE10] - Level 10 - The Lost Temples of Nubia
[BFE11] - Level 11 - The Last Man on Earth
[BFE12] - Level 12 - The Guardian of Time
Section [EGTAB]: Egyptian tablets
[TAB01] - Level 01 - Summer in Cairo
[TAB02] - Level 02 - Into the Spider's Nest
[TAB03] - Level 03 - Broken Wings
[TAB04] - Level 04 - No Place to Hide
[TAB05] - Level 05 - Under the Iron Cloud
[TAB06] - Level 06 - The Silent Riddler
[TAB07] - Level 07 - Unearthing the Sun
[TAB08] - Level 08 - The Dark Bride
[TAB09] - Level 09 - Power to the Underworld
[TAB10] - Level 10 - The Lost Temples of Nubia
[TAB11] - Level 11 - The Last Man on Earth
[TAB12] - Level 12 - The Guardian of Time
Seciton [ESTRY]: Egyptian History
- Serious Sam backstory as told by the egyptian tablets
Section [WTF?!]: Closing Statement
- Who knows what lies here? I guess we'll never find out!
-> Copyright bullshit: Feel free to post this guide wherever you feel like, as
long as it's not for direct profit. Would be nice of you to give me credit if
you use any parts of this guide.
-> If you find any significant mistakes (I might have confused left for right
and viceversa) or find something to be too ambiguous, contact me at
evil.vasilegmail. Mention Serious Sam BFE in the subject or it's very
likely that I'll consider it spam. 'I'm selling these fine leather jackets' is
also an acceptable subject.
-> I'm not gonna talk make any introduction to Serious Sam:BFE here; if you
don't know what it is, seriously, what are you doing here?!
-> As you've probably noticed, each level in each section is tagged by a code
in between brackets to ease CTRL+F-ing.
-> I'm kinda running out of things to say here, so on to the changelog.
[CHLOG] Change Log
-> Version: 1.0
Not much to say here..
[SSBFE] Serious Sam: BFE - Secrets
[BFE01] - Level 1 - Summer in Cairo 17 Secrets
[BFE02] - Level 2 - Into the Spider's Nest 9 Secrets
[BFE03] - Level 3 - Broken Wings 16 Secrets
[BFE04] - Level 4 - No Place to Hide 9 Secrets
[BFE05] - Level 5 - Under the Iron Cloud 13 Secrets
[BFE06] - Level 06 - The Silent Riddler 8 Secrets
[BFE07] - Level 07 - Unearthing the Sun 8 Secrets
[BFE08] - Level 08 - The Dark Bride 10 Secrets
[BFE09] - Level 09 - Power to the Underworld 10 Secrets
[BFE10] - Level 10 - The Lost Temples of Nubia 5 Secrets
[BFE11] - Level 11 - The Last Man on Earth 11 Secrets
[BFE12] - Level 12 - The Guardian of Time 4 Secrets
Secret 01: Keep going forward in the canyon instead of turning left. At the
dead end look up and shoot the little platform to make the secret Devastator
Shells fall.
Secret 02: After the first canyon, behind an archway on the far left there's
some secret Electricity Ammo.
Secret 03: Once out of the first canyon, in the structure with ammo inside,
look for a hole in the ceiling. Shoot the crate visible through the hole for
some secret Sniper Ammo.
Secret 04: Blow up the ground at the ammo pick-up with the +200 armor to find
some hidden health packs.
[EGTAB] Serious Sam: BFE - Egyptian Tablets
[TAB01] - Level 1 - Summer in Cairo 1 Tablet
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablet 01: On the Boat of Sun they came. Osiris was at the helm, Anubis and
Horus at his side.
Where is it - Just as you enter the Museum courtyard, the tablet should be
right in front of you. Pretty obvious..
[TAB02] - Level 2 - Into the Spider's Nest 5 Tablets
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablet 02: The gods have perished. And men built great temples on their
graves. Only the Oracle has remained.
Where is it - Just before going up the first set of stairs towards the great
hall. Again, it's pretty obvious.
->Tablet 03: The Oracle said: Build me the tabernacle and I shall give you the
power to wield the arrow.
Where is it - Before leaving the main hall through the door on the left wall,
the tablet is just to the right of the door.
->Tablet 04: And by the words of the Oracle, Khufu built the tabernacle. And
the Oracle saw the work of Khufu and it was content.
Where is it - After going through the left wing corridor, just before heading
up the stairs, enter the last room on the left side of the corridor. The tablet
is lying on the floor in the middle of the room.
->Tablet 05: And thus, Khufu took possession of the property of Horus which
belonged to Osiris. And gave oath to protect it forever.And thus, Khufu took
possession of the property of Horus which belonged to Osiris. And gave oath to
protect it forever.
Where is it - After descending into the basement, the tablet is at the bottom
of the stairs to the left.
->Tablet 06: As the Oracle dwelled with the gods, the throne in the Boat of
Millions of Years was empty.
Where is it - When finding the professor, after the cutscene, the tablet should
be next to you against a pillar. (Just look around you when the cutscene ends
at the pillar corners, the tablet is smaller than the rest.)
[TAB03] - Level 3 - Broken Wings 0 Tablets
[TAB04] - Level 4 - No Place to Hide 0 Tablets
[TAB05] - Level 5 - Under the Iron Cloud 0 Tablets
[TAB06] - Level 06 - The Silent Riddler 4 Tablets
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablet 07: I, Khufu, son of Sneferu, bind my son to wield the Arrow. Because
his is the reign of Egypt, and of his son, and son of his son.
Where is it - At the egyptian ruin entrance, before entering the corridor,
check at the base of the upside down U shaped ruined 'gateway' for a tablet.
->Tablet 08: Khafra, heir of Khufu, saw the death that was done in the name of
Horus. And Khafra felt that Horus was sad.
Where is it - After the corridors, you'll pas through yet another metal door.
After passing through the metal door into an arena with lots of pillars, just
in front of the door the tablet lies on the floor next to a wall.
->Talbet 09: The Arrow shall be returned to the shrine and shall rest in peace
with my ancestors, from this day forth.
Where is it - Just before entering the big round chamber where you find The
Sirian Mutilator, the tablet is on the floor in front of the doorway.
->Tablet 10: Khafra told the Lion to sit. And the Lion was seated. And no man
could move it. It is from this day that the light of Ra has not blazed from the
Where is it - Between the Sphinx's front paws. You can't miss it.
[TAB07] - Level 07 - Unearthing the Sun 7 Tablets
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablet 11: Horus took the Eye of Sun and placed it on his throne in the great
deep. And said to the Oracle: Only Him who has the knowledge may enter.
Where is it - In the underground section, before climbing up the stairs leading
outside, the tablet is at the end of the corridor opposite to the stairway.
->Tablet 12: It was said that when the time comes, one who has knowledge shall
bring forth the Arrow and the seals shall open.
Where is it - After exiting the underground, when you enter the next 'open'
arena (it's surrounded by walls on 3 sides and the desert on one side), the
tablet is next to the exit from this arena, to the right of the wall at the
one-way gate.
->Tablet 13: The Oracle shall say unto Him: Thou, who knowest the name of this
door, knowest thou the names of the seals that guard it?
Where is it - Against the right wall at the Sirian Ruins entrance. Can't miss
->Tablet 14: I am Osiris. My word is truth. I came across the sea of stars to
free you from your destitution.
Where is it - You'll find this tablet just to the right of the entrance to
Osiris' Temple (where you get the Osiris Key), resting against the wall.
->Tablet 15: I am Horus. My face is that of a divine falcon. I am the ruler of
the House of Life.
Where is it - Just to the right of the Horus Key.
->Tablet 16: I am Anubis. My face is that of a divine jackal. I am the ruler of
the House of Death.
Where is it - Just to the left of the entrance to Anubis' Temple. (Where you
get the Anubis Key)
->Tablet 17: O, you who builds pyramids; You who propels the Boat of Sun; You
who strikes our enemies with the Arrow. You are Ra the powerful.
Where is it - Just to the right of the entrance to Ra's Temple. (Where you get
the Ra Key)
[TAB08] - Level 08 - The Dark Bride 4 Tablets
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablet 18: The Oracle said: The gods shall perish and men shall rule the
Earth again. But men shall forget the words of gods.
Where is it - After exiting the underground, as you're facing the underground
you've just exited, the tablet is just to the right of the doorway.
->Tablet 19: The Oracle said: Men shall build the Boat of Sun and sail across
the sea of stars. But they shall awake the wrath of One Infinite.
Where is it - In the locked Horus Pylon, on it's right side in a dark chamber.
(Or in other words, from the area with lots of columns, head opposite to where
you are supposed to go to continue the level in a straight line. You'll find
the tablet in the Horus Pylon.)
->Tablet 20: The Oracle said: The foes of Osiris shall bring destruction upon
the realms of men. And the Boat of Millions of Years shall have to be awoken.
Where is it - After fighting your first witch bride, you'll come across a
corridor. You'll reach a T intersection, the right leading to the minigun
turret, the left leading to a dead end with a ruined temple building. Check
this ruined structure for the tablet.
->Tablet 21: And it was said that when the time comes for the Boat of Millions
of Years to awake, Ra shall bind himself by an oath to give his two Eyes.
Where is it - After the HUGE corridor fight, before the arena with lots of
clone soldiers in a walled off area with mini piramyds, you'll pass through a
small courtyard with lots of columns on each side and a structure in the middle
with one room. Check this room for the tablet.
[TAB09] - Level 09 - Power to the Underworld 1 Tablet (and 4 duplicates)
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablet 22: Anubis took the Eye of Moon and placed it on his throne in the
great darkness. And said to the Oracle: Only Him who has the knowledge may
Where is it - In the room where you spawn, at the base of the first set of
(small) stairs, to the right.
->Tablet : I am Osiris. My word is truth. I came across the sea of
stars to free you from your destitution.
Where is it - Near to the Osiris Key.
->Tablet : I am Horus. My face is that of a divine falcon. I am the
ruler of the House of Life.
Where is it - Near the Horus Key.
->Tablet : I am Anubis. My face is that of a divine jackal. I am the
ruler of the House of Death.
Where is it - Near the Anubis Key.
->Tablet : O, you who builds pyramids; You who propels the Boat of
Sun; You who strikes our enemies with the Arrow. You are Ra the powerful.
Where is it - Near the Ra Key
[TAB10] - Level 10 - The Lost Temples of Nubia 0 Tablets
[TAB11] - Level 11 - The Last Man on Earth 4 Tablets
>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Tablet 23: There is one that sees what no man sees; Knows what no man knows.
One that commands all doors, one that commands all Boats. It is the Oracle.
Where is it - After exiting the underground area, the tablet is on the floor
next to the locked gate leading to the big structure to the front and left of
the underground exit.
->Tablet 24: Osiris said to his sons: You shall rule the realm of men. You
shall wield the light of Ra. But you shall not wake the Boat of Million of
Where is it - On the left wall, just after you enter the first courtyard of the
big central structure. The tablet is next to the locked gate there resting
against the wall.
->Tablet 25: The Oracle saw the foes of Osiris across the sea of stars. Thus,
Osiris climbed the Boat of Sun.
Where is it - After entering the big structure in the middle of the ruined
area, just before going outside again, facing the gate leading outside look in
the middle of the left wall for the tablet.
->Tablet 26: Then, Osiris sailed out across the sea of stars. But he never
Where is it - To the right of the final exit from the ruined area.
[TAB12] - Level 12 - The Guardian of Time 0 Tablets
- You've already found all the tablets!
[ESTRY] Serious Sam: BFE - Egyptian History
I've arranged the tablets in order of their editor id. I'm guessing this is how
they're supposed to go to form a coherent story.
If you're interested in the Backstory to the original Serious Sam games, you
can read more about it on or
discuss it on the forums on the same site.
On the Boat of Sun they came. Osiris was at the helm, Anubis and Horus at
his side.
I am Osiris. My word is truth. I came across the sea of stars to free you
from your destitution.
I am Horus. My face is that of a divine falcon. I am the ruler of the
House of Life.
I am Anubis. My face is that of a divine jackal. I am the ruler of the
House of Death.
There is one that sees what no man sees; Knows what no man knows. One that
commands all doors, one that commands all Boats. It is the Oracle.
O, you who builds pyramids; You who propels the Boat of Sun; You who
strikes our enemies with the Arrow. You are Ra the powerful.
The Oracle saw the foes of Osiris across the sea of stars. Thus, Osiris
climbed the Boat of Sun.
Osiris said to his sons: You shall rule the realm of men. You shall wield
the light of Ra. But you shall not wake the Boat of Million of Years.
Then, Osiris sailed out across the sea of stars. But he never returned.
The Oracle said: The gods shall perish and men shall rule the Earth again.
But men shall forget the words of gods.
The Oracle said: Men shall build the Boat of Sun and sail across the sea
of stars. But they shall awake the wrath of One Infinite.
The Oracle said: The foes of Osiris shall bring destruction upon the
realms of men. And the Boat of Millions of Years shall have to be awoken.
And it was said that when the time comes for the Boat of Millions of Years
to awake, Ra shall bind himself by an oath to give his two Eyes.
Anubis took the Eye of Moon and placed it on his throne in the great
darkness. And said to the Oracle: Only Him who has the knowledge may enter.
Horus took the Eye of Sun and placed it on his throne in the great deep.
And said to the Oracle: Only Him who has the knowledge may enter.
The gods have perished. And men built great temples on their graves. Only
the Oracle has remained.
The Oracle said: Build me the tabernacle and I shall give you the power to
wield the arrow.
And by the words of the Oracle, Khufu built the tabernacle. And the Oracle
saw the work of Khufu and it was content.
And thus, Khufu took possession of the property of Horus which belonged to
Osiris. And gave oath to protect it forever.And thus, Khufu took possession of
the property of Horus which belonged to Osiris. And gave oath to protect it
As the Oracle dwelled with the gods, the throne in the Boat of Millions of
Years was empty.
I, Khufu, son of Sneferu, bind my son to wield the Arrow. Because his is
the reign of Egypt, and of his son, and son of his son.
Khafra, heir of Khufu, saw the death that was done in the name of Horus.
And Khafra felt that Horus was sad.
The Arrow shall be returned to the shrine and shall rest in peace with my
ancestors, from this day forth.
Khafra told the Lion to sit. And the Lion was seated. And no man could
move it. It is from this day that the light of Ra has not blazed from the
It was said that when the time comes, one who has knowledge shall bring
forth the Arrow and the seals shall open.
The Oracle shall say unto Him: Thou, who knowest the name of this door,
knowest thou the names of the seals that guard it?
[CRDTS] Credits
- Croteam, for being awesome and making the game!
- patorjk, for making an awesome ascii text art converter that I used for the
title of this guide -
[WTF?!] Closing Statement
Name: This is the end
Description: Reach the end of this guide! (Woah, that was really hard, right?)
Reward: Well, here's a link to The End by The Doors, I guess..

Serious Sam 3 Bfe Broken Wings Secrets

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